Exploring the Relationship Between Grammar Proficiency and Writing Competence Among Tenth-Grade Students

  • Ni Ketut Irmawati University of Tadulako
  • Darmawan Darmawan University of Tadulako
  • Hastini Hastini University of Tadulako
Keywords: Correlation, Grammar mastery, Writing skill


The objective of this study is to examine the relationship between grammar proficiency and writing ability among tenth-grade students at MA Al-Khairat Pusat Palu. Employing a correlational research design, the study focused on two variables: grammar mastery (Variable X) and writing skill (Variable Y). The sample comprised 20 students selected through purposive sampling from one of the excellent classes in the school. Data collection involved administering both grammar and writing tests. Analysis was conducted using Pearson Product Moment correlation and SPSS version 23. The findings revealed a correlation coefficient of 0.401 between students' grammar mastery and writing skill, indicating a moderate correlation. This suggests that while grammar proficiency influences writing ability to some extent, there are likely other factors at play. Further exploration of these factors could offer valuable insights for improving writing instruction and student performance.

Author Biographies

Ni Ketut Irmawati, University of Tadulako

English Education Postgraduate Master's Programme.

Darmawan Darmawan, University of Tadulako

English Education Postgraduate Master's Programme.

Hastini Hastini, University of Tadulako

English Education Postgraduate Master's Programme.


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How to Cite
IrmawatiN., DarmawanD., & HastiniH. (2024). Exploring the Relationship Between Grammar Proficiency and Writing Competence Among Tenth-Grade Students. Lexis, 1(1), 56-69. https://doi.org/10.22487/lx00000000.2024.v1.i1.pp56-69