Lexis 2024-07-30T06:27:02+00:00 Mukrim Open Journal Systems <p>LEXIS: Journal of English Language Education, Linguistics, and Literature is a peer-reviewed journal devoted to sharing scientific research on the teaching and learning of English as a second or foreign language. We publish with open access in our journal. Every year, we publish two issues in June and in December. Original research articles and comprehensive literature reviews are among the sorts of articles we accept.</p> Error analysis on students’ writing of descriptive text of the tenth-grade students at MA DDI Tosale 2024-07-30T06:18:07+00:00 Moh Miftah Farid Hastini Hastini Nadrun Nadrun <p><em>English language learners often make mistakes in terms of linguistic features when writing descriptive paragraphs. In this study, the researcher focuses on the examination of grammar usage. The primary objective of this study was to identify the writing errors made by students when composing descriptive texts and determine the most prevalent error category according to the surface strategy taxonomy. The researcher employed a quantitative descriptive approach for this investigation. The study's target population comprised tenth-grade students at MA DDI Tosale. The research sample was selected using a complete sampling technique and included 30 students from both the tenth-grade IPA and IPS classes. The data analysis revealed that students made various types of errors, including omissions, additions, misordering, and misformations, as classified under the surface strategy taxonomy. Data collection was carried out through a descriptive text writing test. The most frequent error category identified was misformation, with a total of 131 instances, while the least frequent error category was misordering, with only 48 occurrences. In summary, based on the study's findings, it can be deduced that misformation errors were the most common, while misordering errors were the least common among the students' writing errors in descriptive texts.</em></p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Improving Students’ English Vocabulary Mastery Using Crossword Puzzles for VII Grade Students at SMP Negeri 3 Palu 2024-07-30T06:18:29+00:00 Ni Made Sri Devi Puspasari Nurindah Rahmadani Mukrim Mukrim <p><em>English vocabulary mastery is a crucial aspect for students’ development as it significantly impacts their ability to comprehend and communicate in the language. However, there is a gap between the expected vocabulary mastery and the reality. The factors such as lack of interest and ineffective teaching methods are frequently the main causes in such cases. Therefore, this research aims to address these issues by enhancing English vocabulary mastery among students at SMP Negeri 3 Palu through the implementation of crossword puzzles as a teaching method. In this study, the researcher employs in two cycles. The findings indicate that the use of crossword puzzles significantly improves students’ vocabulary mastery. In the first cycles, 57.69% of students achieved the minimum score (KKM), which increased to 80.76% in the second cycles. This demonstrates that crossword puzzles are an effective method to enhance students’ vocabulary comprehension and motivation to learn. Thus, this study concludes that integrating crossword puzzles into English language learning can offer a practical and engaging solution to enhance students’ vocabulary mastery.&nbsp; </em></p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Supercharging Vocabulary: A Word Wall Intervention Boost Students Achievement 2024-07-30T06:25:44+00:00 Nonny Wiondy Hastini Hastini Sudarkam R Mertosono <p><em>Vocabulary plays an important role in learning English. However, many students in Indonesia have difficulty in mastering vocabulary. This research aims to know the impact of utilizing Word Wall on enhancing vocabulary mastery and to explore students’ perceptions of Word Wall implementation. The researchers applied pre-experimental research design with the number of populations as many as 128 students of grade VII students of SMP Negeri 1 Pamona Utara that consist of 4 classes. In selecting the sample, the researchers use a purposive sampling technique. The number of samples is 32 students. The data were collected by using pre-test, post-test, and questionnaire. The researcher uses SPSS v.29 in analyzing the data. The result showed a significant improvement in students’ vocabulary achievement, with a pre-test mean score of 41.00 and a post-test mean score of 74.84. The calculated t-counted of 31.934 exceeded the critical t-table of 989 at a 0.05 significant level, supporting the research hypothesis. Student’s perceptions in this study were assessed through questionnaires, revealing that 34% of students agreed on the effectiveness of Word Wall in enhancing their vocabulary, 33% expressing positive attitudes toward the media and another 33% indicating increased engagement in class activities. The study indicates that implementing Word Wall effectively boots vocabulary acquisition among grade VII students at SMP Negeri 1 Pamona Utara, leading to enhanced feelings, attitudes, and class engagement.</em></p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The Use of Comic Strips in Teaching English Language Skills (A Library Research) 2024-07-30T06:26:05+00:00 Fathia Aulia Mukrim Mukrim Hastini Hastini <p><em>Comic Strips is a type of media used to help students improve their English language skills. The purpose of this study is to describe the procedure of applying Comic Strips and to analyse the success of applying Comic Strips in teaching English language skills. The researcher used the library research method in this study. Data sources were taken from articles published between 2015 and 2023. The data consisted of 16 articles and were subdivided based on the use of Comic Strips in English language skills, speaking skills with 3 articles, reading skills with 5 articles, and writing skills with 8 articles. The researcher did not find any articles that used Comic Strips in teaching listening skills. The data were collected by applying the documentation technique. The result showed that the sixteen articles applied the Comic Strips in different ways and had no negative impact on English language skills. After applying Comic Strips in the classroom, students’ English skills improved. The researcher argues that the application of Comic Strips media in teaching English language skills is effective because students’ English language skills&nbsp; improved as a result of the study.</em></p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Enhancing Literal Reading Comprehension through Cooperative Script Methodologies: An Empirical Study 2024-07-30T06:26:27+00:00 Nur Ainun Hastini Hastini Darmawan Darmawan <p><em>This research aims to investigate the use of cooperative script to improve reading comprehension of the eight grade students of SMP Negeri 15 Palu. The research design was Quasi-Experimental, with 32 students assigned to the experimental class and 32 to the control class. The sample was selected by using the purposive sampling technique. Data collection involved pre-test and post-test, and an analysis was conducted using paired sample t-tests with the assistance of SPSS version 29. The result showed a significant improvement in students reading comprehension in experimental class from 55.625 before the intervention to 71.406 afterward, while the control class means scores rose from 53.984 to 67.344. Additionally, the improvement in the experimental class exceeded that of the control class. The resulting significance value was 0.001, indicating statistical significance (0,001 &lt; 0.05) it means is accepted. These results show that the use of cooperative scripts can improve the reading comprehension of eight grade students of SMP Negeri 15 Palu</em></p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Navigating the Verbal Odyssey: Unraveling the Trials of English Speaking Proficiency of Students 2024-07-30T06:26:45+00:00 Miranda Miranda Hastini Hastini Mochtar Marhum <p><em>Speaking is one of the most important and challenging skills to master when learning English as a foreign language (EFL). However, the students in Indonesia who study English have yet to attain the required language proficiency; most students continue to have issues with their ability to speak accurately, fluently, and comprehensibly. The research purpose of this study is to know the difficulties and the factor that affecting the difficulties in speaking English. The researcher applied mixed method research design. The number of population as many as 121 students of eighth-grade students of SMP Negeri 15 Palu that consist of 4 classes. In taking the sample, the researcher uses a purposive sampling technique. The number of samples is 27 students or 22% of the population. The researcher uses a questionnaire and interview as an instrument for data collection. After analyzing the data, the results showed that the eight-grade students’ of SMP Negeri 15 Palu experienced some difficulties when speaking English. The aspect they experienced most was affective difficulties with a total 42% of response while the least was instructional difficulties with a total 8% of response. The findings also revealed some factors that affected students speaking ability such as they feel anxious, shy, lack of vocabulary, and lastly there is no supportive school environment.</em></p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Exploring the Relationship Between Grammar Proficiency and Writing Competence Among Tenth-Grade Students 2024-07-30T06:27:02+00:00 Ni Ketut Irmawati Darmawan Darmawan Hastini Hastini <p><em>The objective of this study is to examine the relationship between grammar proficiency and writing ability among tenth-grade students at MA Al-Khairat Pusat Palu. Employing a correlational research design, the study focused on two variables: grammar mastery (Variable X) and writing skill (Variable Y). The sample comprised 20 students selected through purposive sampling from one of the excellent classes in the school. Data collection involved administering both grammar and writing tests. Analysis was conducted using Pearson Product Moment correlation and SPSS version 23. The findings revealed a correlation coefficient of 0.401 between students' grammar mastery and writing skill, indicating a moderate correlation. This suggests that while grammar proficiency influences writing ability to some extent, there are likely other factors at play. Further exploration of these factors could offer valuable insights for improving writing instruction and student performance.</em></p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##