Evaluasi Pemanfaatan Ruang Terbuka Hijau Publik di Kecamatan Baolan Kabupaten Tolitoli
This research aims to find out and analyze factors affecting Public Green Open Space Utilization and negative and postive externalities caused by the Public Green Open Space Utilization in Baolan Sub-district of Tolitoli District. The research used survey descriptive quantitative method through factor and Spearman rank correlation analyses aided by SPSS application. The research results show that: 1) there are four factors formed from nine research variables in utlizing public green open space in Baolan sub-district, namely social interaction platform, micro climate facility, regional economic growth, and shared educational facility. Meanwhile, 2) negative externality is from street vendor activities and others like producing waste, damaging public green open space environment and causing traffic jam in the area of public green open space. The positive externality is in terms of the fulfillment of food and beverages, decrease of unemployment, and decrease of crimes because of the permanent occupation of the people.
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